For sale

Gorenjska, Bled


House | Terraced house | 133m2

968.600 EUR

Basic information


For sale



Property type

Terraced house





City quarter



Project of Row Houses Jezero Bled

An exclusive opportunity for modern living in an urban environment close to the center of Bled, along Ribenska Road. The Jezero Bled project offers homes for all generations in a quiet neighborhood with all necessary infrastructure.

What the project offers:

• 14 row houses in two rows of seven houses each.

• A shared garage with 28 parking spaces, accessible by a car lift, plus 7 additional parking spaces on the surface.

• Organized outdoor area with space for bicycles, a waste collection area, and a communication space.

The houses are designed across three levels:

Ground Floor: Kitchen, dining room, living area, and guest bathroom.

Upper Floor: Master bedroom with a private wardrobe and bathroom, two additional bedrooms, and a bathroom.

Basement: Storage room, utility space, and two parking spaces for each unit.

Each house has a private garden with a terrace for enjoying outdoor living.

House L – Sample Layout:

A spacious living room (34.18 m2) and a cozy kitchen (10.91 m2) are ideal for socializing. The house offers two comfortable bedrooms (10.61 m2 and 10.35 m2) and a peaceful master bedroom (21.28 m2) for restful nights. With two modern bathrooms (4.72 m2 and 4.63 m2) and an additional guest bathroom (2.13 m2), the house provides complete comfort and elegance. The connecting courtyard (35.77 m2) creates a pleasant space for relaxation.


Parking spaces are located under the building, accessible via a car lift, with each unit allocated two parking spaces. The price of one parking space is EUR 25,000 (mandatory purchase and not included in the house price).

Price and Payment Terms:

The house price includes a storage room. Upon signing the contract, a deposit of 10% of the purchase price is due, with the remaining 90% payable upon handover. Prices are final and include 9.5% VAT. The buyer does not pay a commission.

Estimated Move-in Date: Autumn 2025.

For more information about the project, available units, square footage, and prices, please contact us!


Communal arrangement



Nice view
Very sunny
Close to nature


Heat pump
Floor heating




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