For rent

Goriška, Most na Soči


Business facility | Restaurant | 150m2

2.000 EUR

Basic information


For rent


Business facility

Property type






City quarter

Most na Soči


We are offering a commercial space – a hospitality venue that will become the centerpiece of a tourist complex, which will open its doors on June 1, 2025. The resort is located near Tolmin, in an idyllic setting that is attractive to both domestic and foreign guests.

The hospitality venue includes:

  • Restaurant and kitchen (80 m2) with an additional 20 m2 gallery for a pleasant atmosphere.
  • Wine cellar (20 m2), intended for private parties and exclusive events.

The tenant will take over the entire hospitality section, including the service of food and beverages as well as providing breakfasts for hotel guests, whose daily number we expect to be between 30 and 40. Due to the lack of good catering options in the area, this restaurant has great potential to attract external guests and tourists.


The hospitality section will be an important part of the resort, as the location will host various events that ensure regular occupancy:

  • Weddings and celebrations
  • Team buildings and business events
  • Culinary evenings focusing on local and gourmet cuisine
  • Musical evenings and themed events

In addition to these events, the restaurant will be open to external visitors, which presents an excellent opportunity for developing a recognizable culinary destination in the region.

ZEN Resort will offer top-notch services year-round. The complex will include:

  • 9 luxury rooms
  • 6 glamping cabins
  • Wellness center
  • Wine cellar
  • Bar/Restaurant

The resort will offer numerous events and activities in addition to accommodations and relaxation, making the experience for guests unforgettable. The interesting location and rich offerings ensure a constant flow of hotel guests, tourists, and local residents.


This is an exceptional opportunity for someone who wants to develop a hospitality business in a luxurious tourist environment with guaranteed visitation throughout the year. Due to the unique location and wide range of resort offerings, full occupancy and constant demand are expected.

Location: Tolmin and surroundings
Opening date: June 1, 2025 (the space will be available for preparation before the opening)

For more information or to schedule a viewing, please contact us at: Phone: +386 40 500 055 Email:

Don’t miss the opportunity to become part of the exceptional ZEN Resort project!

The landlord’s condition for signing the lease agreement Upon signing the lease agreement, the tenant must compensate the landlord for a portion of the costs for the following services: preparation of the lease agreement, creation of a handover record (upon taking over the property), execution of the handover during the takeover, notifying the administrator and suppliers about the lease agreement, consulting throughout the entire lease period, creation of a handover record (upon returning the property), execution of the handover at the end of the lease agreement, and archiving of visual material at the agent, amounting to a total of €2000.00 + 22% VAT.


Communal arrangement





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