For sale

Ljubljana mesto, Rožna dolina


House | Detached | 217.6m2

300.000 EUR

Basic information


For sale



Property type





Ljubljana mesto

City quarter

Rožna dolina


We offer you an exceptional opportunity to purchase a detached house in the prestigious location of Rožna dolina in Ljubljana. The house, built in 1921, covers 217.6 m2 and stands on a 61 m2 plot. The house requires complete renovation or demolition with replacement construction according to the same dimensions!

Investment Opportunity:

The house is suitable for replacement construction, with permitted construction of a single or two-family building intended for permanent residence with accompanying activities. The maximum allowed height of the building is 11 meters.

Current Condition: The building is in its original state and in need of renovation. Currently, there is a non-operational restaurant on the ground floor.

Concept Design:

A concept design and visualization of a single-family house (G+1+2+T) with a gross area of 188.34 m2 and a net living area of 143.96 m2 have been created.

Ground Floor:

  • Garage for two cars
  • Boiler room
  • Bicycle storage
  • Elevator leading to all floors, including the terrace

1st Floor (gross 62.78 m2):

  • Two bedrooms
  • Bathroom
  • Hallway

2nd Floor (gross 62.78 m2):

  • Large living area connected to the kitchen with large panoramic windows


  • Spacious terrace (net 48.05 m2) with beautiful views of the surrounding greenery

Rožna dolina is known for its peaceful and green environment – close to the famous Rožnik hill, offering a relaxing living experience away from the city's hustle and bustle. At the same time, the location is very close to the city center, providing quick access to all urban services.

Documentation: The property is registered in the Land Registry. Free of encumbrances. A long-standing building permit has been obtained, which serves as legalization of the building or replaces the occupancy permit.

*The images in the ad are the architect's concept design, for easier visualization of how the property can be arranged.


For more information and to arrange a viewing of the house, contact us: Phone: +386 40 500 055 Email:

Don't miss this exceptional investment opportunity to create your dream home in the prestigious location of Rožna dolina in Ljubljana!

The seller's condition for concluding the deal is that the buyer reimburses part of the sales cost in the amount of 2% of the contract value + VAT.


Communal arrangement





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