For rent

Ljubljana mesto, Šmartno ob Savi


Apartment | 2-rooms | 36m2

750 EUR

Basic information


For rent



Property type





Ljubljana mesto

City quarter

Šmartno ob Savi


We offer you the opportunity for a short-term rental of a fully furnished apartment in Šmartno ob Savi, Cesta v Šmartno. The apartment was completely renovated and furnished in 2022, ensuring modern and comfortable living. It is available for rent from October 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025.

The apartment covers 36 m2 and includes a living room connected to a kitchen equipped with all white goods, including a coffee machine, tea maker, dishwasher, and tableware. The living room opens onto a spacious terrace of 45 m2, ideal for relaxation and enjoying the fresh air. The apartment has a bedroom with wardrobes and a modern bathroom with a shower. The apartment is suitable for up to 4 people.

The rent is 750 EUR, with fixed monthly costs of 200 EUR, which include electricity, water, heating, internet, and television. Parking is available in front of the building. The apartment is fully furnished with all necessary equipment, including kitchen utensils, towels, and bedding, allowing for immediate move-in.

Key Features:

  • Fully Furnished: The apartment is fully furnished with all necessary equipment, including kitchen utensils, towels, and bedding, allowing for immediate move-in.
  • Large Terrace: The living room opens onto a spacious terrace of 45 m2, ideal for relaxation and enjoying the fresh air.
  • Modernly Renovated: The apartment was completely renovated and furnished in 2022.
  • Great Location: The apartment is just a few minutes away from the BTC shopping center, providing easy access to shops, restaurants, and other services.
  • Parking: Parking is available in front of the building.
  • Suitable for 4 People: The apartment is suitable for up to 4 people.

Šmartno ob Savi is a quiet and attractive location near Ljubljana. It is just a few minutes' drive from the BTC shopping center, providing easy access to shops, restaurants, and services. Surrounded by green areas, it offers numerous opportunities for recreation and relaxation in nature. Good connectivity with the city and quick access to the highway allow for easy access to all important points.

For more information and to arrange a viewing of the apartment, please contact us at +386 40 500 055 or email

Don't miss this excellent opportunity for a short-term rental of a fully furnished apartment in Šmartno ob Savi!


Communal arrangement




List of equipment

shramba v kleti
Air conditioning


Glazed atrium
Covered parking


Air conditioning
Nice view
Close to nature
Quiet location


Heat pump




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