For rent

Ljubljana mesto, Sp. Šiška


Apartment | 3-rooms | 71.8m2

1.100 EUR

Basic information


For rent



Property type





Ljubljana mesto

City quarter

Sp. Šiška


We are offering a spacious and well-maintained apartment for rent in an excellent location in Šiška, Ljubljana. The apartment is located on the 3rd floor of a well-kept building and covers 71.8 m2.

The apartment measures 71.8 m2 and consists of an entrance hall with wardrobes, a living room with a dining area and access to a balcony, a separate renovated kitchen with access to the balcony, a bathroom, a separate toilet, a bedroom, and an additional room that can be used as a children's room/guest room/office. The apartment is rented fully furnished!

Parking is available behind a ramp in front of the building. A storage room and a shared bike room are also included.

The apartment has been carefully maintained over the years. The bathroom, electrical and plumbing installations, and hallway were renovated 15 years ago. Ten years ago, a new kitchen with appliances was installed, and new parquet flooring was laid. The apartment is air-conditioned, and heating is provided through the district heating system. Parking behind the ramp in front of the building provides comfort and security.

The apartment is located in a quiet area of Šiška, offering all the benefits of urban living with easy access to the city center. Nearby, you will find shops, schools, kindergartens, healthcare facilities, and public transport, making it a convenient and comfortable place to live.


For more information and to arrange a viewing of the apartment, please contact us:
Phone: +386 40 500 055

Landlord's condition for the conclusion of the lease:

Upon signing the lease agreement, the tenant must reimburse the landlord for part of the costs of the following services: preparation of the lease agreement, preparation of the handover protocol (upon receipt of the property), execution of the handover upon receipt, notifying the building manager and suppliers about the lease agreement, providing advice during the entire rental period, preparation of the handover protocol (upon return of the property), execution of the handover upon termination of the lease, and archiving photographic material by the agent, in the amount of EUR 1,200.00 + 22% VAT.


Communal arrangement




List of equipment

Air conditioning


Air conditioning


Central heating




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