For sale

Ljubljana okolica, Bevke


Apartment | 4-rooms | 111.6m2

268.000 EUR

Basic information


For sale



Property type





Ljubljana okolica

City quarter



We offer you a well-maintained 4-room apartment in Log pri Bezovici, in Bevke. The apartment is located on the first floor of a two-apartment house built in 1980. The building was partially renovated in 2008, including the replacement of the roof and installation of new A+ windows with built-in insect screens. The apartment is free of encumbrances.

The apartment has a net area of 87.6 m2 and a gross area of 111.6 m2 and includes a spacious basement/storage room of 24 m2. Parking is arranged with three parking spaces, including a carport.

Key Features:

  • Bedrooms: Three spacious bedrooms – the master bedroom with access to the balcony, a children's room, and a guest room.
  • Bathroom: One bathroom and a separate WC.
  • Living Area: Spacious and bright living area, suitable for socializing and relaxation.
  • Kitchen: Fully equipped kitchen connected to the dining area.
  • Storage: The apartment includes a large storage room in the basement of 24 m2, providing ample storage space.
  • Parking Spaces: The apartment comes with three parking spaces, including a carport.
  • Renovations: New windows with built-in insect screens were installed 16 years ago, and a new roof was installed 8 years ago.
  • Infrastructure: Paved courtyard, arranged electricity, monthly operating costs are approximately 120 EUR.

The apartment is located in a quiet environment with easy access to urban centers and important infrastructure facilities. Renovations and maintenance ensure modern comfort and high-quality living.

IMPORTANT: The house is currently in the process of subdivision or obtaining a use permit, so it is not currently possible to purchase with a bank loan. Other documentation is in order. The apartment is registered in the land registry and free of encumbrances.


For more information and to view the apartment, contact us: Phone: +384 40 500 055 Email:

Don't miss this excellent opportunity to purchase a pleasant and functional apartment in a great location!

The seller's condition for concluding the deal is that the buyer reimburses part of the sales cost in the amount of 2% of the contract value + VAT.


Communal arrangement


List of equipment

shramba v kleti
Parking space
Air conditioning


Parking space


Air conditioning
Close to nature
Quiet location






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