For sale

Obalno - kraška, Lucija


Business facility | Office | 52.8m2

123.000 EUR

Basic information


For sale


Business facility

Property type





Obalno - kraška

City quarter



On a busy location in the ground floor of TPC Lucija, we offer a commercial space that is ideal for various business activities. With excellent access and a convenient layout, the space allows for easy adaptation to your needs. The commercial building was constructed in 2000 and is situated in a strategic location that provides visibility and easy access.

The area of the space amounts to 52.80 m2 and is divided into two separate areas, allowing for adaptation for an office, beauty salon, massage studio, or other service activities. The space includes a toilet and shower cabin, which is practical and allows for greater functionality for service activities.

The space is located in a passage, surrounded by other commercial spaces, ensuring a constant flow of potential customers. Nearby parking facilities are an additional advantage, as they allow easy access for your clients and business partners.

Lucija is a popular tourist and local center in the Coastal-Karst region, offering excellent infrastructure, a steady influx of local residents and tourists, and a recognizable location for your business. The immediate vicinity of shops, services, and residential buildings provides a wide base of potential clients and business partners.

This commercial space is an exceptional opportunity to establish or expand your business.

For more information and to arrange a viewing, please contact us:
Phone: +386 40 500 055

The seller’s condition is that the buyer pays half of the costs upon sale in the amount of 2% + VAT.


Communal arrangement



Partially furnished

List of equipment

Air conditioning


Air conditioning




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