For sale

Savinjska, Rogaška Slatina


Plot | Building plot | m2

180.000 EUR

Basic information


For sale



Property type

Building plot





City quarter

Rogaška Slatina


We offer you an exceptional opportunity to purchase a buildable plot in a beautiful location in Rogaška Slatina. The plot is divided into three parts:

  • Plot 1: 792.17 m2
  • Plot 2: 843.31 m2
  • Plot 3: 1135.65 m2


The plot is located on a varied terrain above the city center of Rogaška Slatina. They are surrounded by green areas and touch the forest edge on the north side. The houses are positioned on the edge of a residential area with dense development and offer beautiful views of the surrounding vineyard hills.


On the hillside, we have designed three houses with views over Rogaška Slatina. The terrain is varied, so each house is different and positioned to allow beautiful views from the living spaces to the slope on the other side of the valley. All residential spaces are on two floors, with a garage and service areas next to the house. The design takes into account the urban planning guidelines of the municipality of Rogaška Slatina.

About the Houses:

There are two types of houses planned – type A and B, adapted to the terrain. Type A has two subtypes, differing only in the positioning of the garage and the access/entry to the garage depending on the terrain and access possibilities. Each building plot is planned with two indoor parking spaces in the garage and one outdoor parking space for visitors in front of the building.

House Type A1:

  • Building Plot 1: 792.17 m2
  • Total gross floor area of the new house: 255.87 m2 + garage 41.01 m2
  • Total net floor area of the new house: 193.60 m2

House Type A2:

  • Building Plot 2: 843.31 m2
  • Total gross floor area of the new house: 259.87 m2 + garage 45.11 m2
  • Total net floor area of the new house: 194.86 m2

House Type B:

  • Building Plot 3: 1135.65 m2
  • Total gross floor area of the new house: 266.51 m2 + garage 49.67 m2
  • Total net floor area of the new house: 201.91 m2

Concept Design:

The buildings (house type A and B) have an elongated floor plan with a garage, service area, and vestibule. The longer side of each building adapts to the shape of the plot and the terrain configuration. The longer side measures 15.00 m, and the shorter side 7.00 m + garage with vestibule.

The buildings (house type A and B) consist of a basement and ground floor (K+P). The basement and ground floor have a maximum net floor height of 2.70 m. The house roof is a gable roof with a slope of 35 degrees, and the garage, vestibule, and storage room roofs are flat with a minimal slope.

The ground floor is at an elevation of +0.00, and the basement is at an elevation of -3.15 m. The maximum height of the building is +5.97 m.

A building permit still needs to be obtained. The price applies to the plot with a conceptual design. Construction of other buildings may also be possible. For more information, please contact us!


For more information and to arrange a viewing of the plots, please contact us:
Phone: +386 40 500 055

Don't miss this excellent opportunity to purchase a buildable plot in a beautiful location in Rogaška Slatina!


Communal arrangement



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